Signing on and Green opening

There is a signing on evening at the club on Wednesday 22 March from 6-8pm. You only need to come if you want to pay in person. The club prefer fees to be received electronically but understand that this isn’t possible for some. The green opens on Wednesday 12 April – subject to condition of the green.

Club Night starts Tuesday 19 April

“Our first club night of the season will be Tuesday 19th April and every Tuesday thereafter unless notified to the contrary.  We will be reverting to the pre Covid system so for new members and as a reminder for the old hands you need to be at the Club by 6:00 pm so that the teams can be picked in time for a 6:15 start. Any arrivals after 6:00will not be guaranteed a game and will only be included if a rink is short Read more…

Membership and Competition forms 2022

The enrolment forms for 2022 can be found here. Please download, complete and email the completed form to Neil Cutler. Fees can be sent electronically using online banking. All information can be found on the membership form. Competition forms should be returned to Steve Provis or Val with fees sent to Neil using online banking along with your membership fee. Thank you.